Friday, June 5, 2009

The Whole Day, part 1

okay, so semalam my friends semua gerak ts. semua smpai ktm NILAI(haha,bangge) asing2. first aku and my brother, shortly later the girls pulak. kitorang dh msuk dh tnggal tunggu the other men.agak lame la tunggu, because 2 train already passed us by.tasha tanye whether kitorang still nak tunggu or gerak dlu tunggu kat sentral. i oppose cepat2 saying "no such thing, x nak aku tunggu kat sentral, dh la panas, sesak, takde tempat duduk pulak tu, ahhh, takde2, serikk" lepas tu small talk and jokes and some laughter later, the selebihnye pun smpai. dari jauh perempuan(s) ni nmpak mereka dan lantas membingit, "ahhhh, baju kotak2 semuanye except iwan". aku jerit balik "alaa, sibuk je dorang kotak2, sepak sorang2 baru tahu?" haha. then sambil tunggu dorang lepas bende pusing2 tu, i saw this one person la. i said to aina "10 bucks saying she's a girl.she said "taklaa, she is a guy la" die still xpecaye then bile train smpai we got the chance to see the person depan2 and then i said "i saw boobies, looks like u owe me my popcorn and drinks for the movie. lol, pandai2 pulak aina ckp betting tu haram, kuang ajo punye aina haha :P so semua masuk la gerabak bernombor plat EMU-something itu. okayy la xramai, but still kene berdiri laa sbb semua nk standing jee.styylee :DD HAAAA

kitorang smpai sentral then jln smpai monorail la mcm biase.duhh =.=
i used my mum's touch and go card because mls nk bwk2 kluar duit en, leceh. but still i had to wait for them to buy ticks. them was tasha,eli,tero,iwan,ijat,auni,aina,and abg aku acap.
so, we got into the monorail. i text HER ckp i nak gerak pavi and ts. so, jum la tag along jum. meet my friends and shiit. then die text mcm malu2 gedik2 en. so i text blk 'dont worry la K, my friends semua masok air, u bole ngam munye' then die txt ckp die takde duit and baba die xkasi ats sbb2 tertentu. i was like, okayy, kesian u. this were my exact words : kalau la i ni anak datuk bole la i support u semua en,malangnye i hanya anak seorg nlyn dan tukang kebun je. aww, how cute is that? haha prasan.

K text me back saying i was poyozz. but still cute :) haha segann je. then she said her credit tnggal 91 cent.i ask her to top up just so i could text her all day. aww, she's sweet enough to top up brape rnggit ntah.
then sampai imbi abang aku ajak mkn kat mamak kat plaza tu.but takde sorang pun mkn. except abang aku and ijat. so kitorang order air masing2. kitorang saje set duduk lawa punye, tero duduk tepi auni, tasha duduk depan iwan. ahaa sumpah dorang malu2 tahi anjing jee HAHA ijat tanpa segan silu melantak roti telur sorang2 kitorang pandang je. agak awkward la time tu,because i've never met tero or iwan be4.but i've seen ijat on school be4 tapi xpernah tergerak hati nk bertanye sapa la kan? auni was supposed to be tero's date and same goes to iwan with tasha. yg lain dgr lagu single ladies. haha get it? single...ladies as in we're all single lol(me kinda lah, i really am lost)
seriously, i said loudly "auni diet makan langsung, and social harini, satu bende x nmpk die mkn or said a word since tero arrived. hahaaa poyo je malu
then some things happened we all paid up masing2 then masuk ts.first thing i wanted to do when we got in ts was go to the sony shop nk cari kanye's album 808's and Heartbreaks. but i was like wtf i can find it later when nk balik ke en, but nvr got the chance to do it.

so smpai teros pegy tgv, or was it gsc, x igt. but the counter girl was kinda mean and rushing. i saba je nk sound, abg aku pun agak menggelegak en. but diam je, tknak buat scene en,rmai org. instead we both did the complete reversal where we made her the victim. we treated her so nicely with mellow voices and tone where she was like all red and guilty and started to soften up. then, right be4 we left from the counter i ckp kuat2 "biadap, xreti sabar". her face was like all 'beat me up when i'm already down would u?kesian lah i campur xpuas hati sikit' haha learnt that move from my wife and kids. the show laa, not literally. haha. me and my brother make a good team, haha kinda, sometimes. so we end up holding the tickets for jangan pandang belakang congkak. i was like "wth did we buy this sh-, i was supposed watch angels and demons but then they told me the only showing on that day is at 7.30 pm, by the time, we'd all be already be on our wayy back home because ijat nk jmpe awek die kt 2syen.

alhamdulillah worth it kut, that movie will be like my first and last malay movie i'll be watching at the cinemas for my whole entire life because i really am a sucker for spoofs and parody movies. there's just something about teasing people and making people look bad that really excites me, haha i'm evil. i know
anyway,tero was like all fed up with the movie calling it a waste. i couldnt blame the guy, he's half rite. i also told ijat that if this wasnt a comedy, dh lame aku bla tgk salvation. p/s: kesian dkt iwan kene tahan dkt ticket passer thru. cos' tasha and him dh beli fries and some burgers from mcd igt nk seludup masuk sbb boring mkn popcorn. anyway,dorang terpakse biar the food outside la.

then after the movie and shits, semua gerak bb because nk carik kedai hotlink untuk ijat. u see, his phone kene rmpas dgn bapak die because bill sampai 300 ringgit. then tasha dgn iwan masing2 derma die hp. so dkt die ade 2 phone blk la skrg. but secondhand and already kinda outdated la those phones. kalau bapak die tahu, salai la die haha just our luck, kitorang tak payah carik kedai tu lame2 because maxis ade bukak booth dorang besa2 dpn bb. so ijat pun beli laaa.

after that, the couples(s) and eli and aina nak gerak pavi dulu. but ijat ajak aku pegy carik baju untuk awesss die dkt kedai favourite die. so aku follow je lah. ijat bought her gf one of those 'little miss' shirts. he bought her the 'little miss star' one x silap. die bawak aku pusing bb jap because seriously, i was like wait, i didnt knew that was there and since that when was that there because seriously last time pegy dh berkurun dah lamenye HAHA i bet ijat was like "jakun je arep ni". i can see it thru his face laa hahah

then kitorang sampai pavi ijat suro aku call auni. but kemaruk cinta punye perempuan ni, x answer langsung...*fade out

to be continued....

*eh, to anyone who's reading this, the rest of the day's events i will post tomorrow la. dorang baru calling ajak lepak warong. bye bye

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