Monday, June 1, 2009

Here's The Sitch,

On tuesday, the real official Sims 3 game is going to be released. and trust me, it looks damn awesome. seriously, i just watched the trailer today and already going mad all over it. Ahhh, cant wait nk mampus. i know, nerdy gile arr main sims en. but wth, its the funnest game around maannn. and it's going to be released on tuesday. i'm so addicted to the sims franchise that i could play sims 2 starting right after subuh, an then continue playing until the next day. haha
its kinda silly but it's true.

here comes the biggg problem. on wednesday, tasya baru bagitahu aku yang diorang semua nk pergy mcdonald's, about reunion or something like that laa for last year punye form 3.

at the same day, ubai, syamim dgn daus baru ajak aku pegy TS, then pavi, then BB then i thought i could ask them to go to lowyat untuk carik sims 3 because u can get games price so low and still bargain for cheaper price. haha u can see how desperate i am rite for this game.

okay, besides that, on the same day, nua pulak ajak aku gerak bluebank cc main left for dead sampai habes duit langsong main satu hari dgn acap(abg aku) ely and sape lagi ntah laa. so dah lawa dah. aku pun xsaba nk main left 4 dead :)

pfftttt, what do i do mannn. BS gile condition ni. besides, this is the only open day for me to do something with this people once more for a very long time. kamis dh nk gerak lagi tapi x tawu bile and sure ke x. friday pulak ade prayers, my mum mesti punye x kasi keluar laa. on monday hari tu my neighbour pandai2 buat kenduri so i had to be apart of it. so tolong org susun2 and shit from sunday continue till tuesday with the cleaning and shits. besides, wednesday is the only day this week that my brother will have cuti so boleh la suro die drive pegi cc en. pfftt.

*some moment to decide*

done, i know, i'll have to cancel the reunion thing and the whole day of left 4 dead, arghh rugi betul, nadia mesti dtg reunion tu and i havent seen her for awhile now, rindu kut ecehhh HAHAA :( but what can u do.
ayways, tasya if u're reading this, pandai2 la ye cari transport pegy mcd okay? soriii :(
and nua, i dont think he even knows i have a blog. i'll go tell him tomorrow

lalalalaa so if anyone whos reading these see me in anywhere around kl that means i'm not meeting up with my old friends. instead i'm searching for some game. HAHAHA(evil laughs) i am selfish :P
problem solved* goodnight everybody (=

sims 3, here i come. yeeepiiiiiiiiiiiii

*subjects are to be changed. maybe i'll do the other way round if the TS trip x jadi.

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